The RunGnosis Speculator

Welcome to The RunGnosis Speculator, a newsletter created & curated by Steve Sisson, founder & coach at Telos Running.

The RunGnosis Speculator is a bi-weekly newsletter collecting all manner of ephemera surrounding running culture & filtering it through the lens of Running as a Way of Life, or alternatively life as filtered through running as a movement practice. If this has you scratching your head, fear not. We’ll be unpacking these concepts & many others over the coming initial issues. Just click subscribe -—>
& you can follow along. If the content doesn’t strike your fancy, simply unsubscribe. Simple as that.

However, we are confident that the breadth & depth of material covered will be highly unique in the running space. We’ll scour the inter webs for stories, essays, podcasts, videos, studies, races, interviews, music & other newsletters we feel will be inspiring, enlightening & pragmatic to open & curious runners. We’ll lean in the direction of the esoteric, weird, woo & wise to differentiate our vision from other content you might consume. Not that we're beholden to any single point of view. In fact, the ultimate aim is to curate a vibe of wonder & curiosity about this incredible experience of being alive & running in this time.

We’ll peruse & pursue interesting ideas, across a wide range of media - inside & outside running culture - we think will peak your interest. We’ll offer short & occasionally longer takes on the content & how we find it useful ourselves to our running &/or our lived experience of humans in the modern world. We’ll be looking at new ways & old ways of interfacing with how we perceive, interact & respond to what arises in a context of wider inclusiveness of the human & more than human world. This can take a myriad of forms & we hope to explore life through the lens of running as a movement practice. What’s a movement practice, you ask?   We’ll unpack that as we proceed but a short definition is a consistent, disciplined approach to the exploration of the body through movement for its own sake, or praxis.  
It is our sincere hope to challenge readers to expand & deepen their appreciation of moving through space as serious play: meaningful & life enhancing.

Additionally, RunGnosis will also host a series of podcasts & an online journal. The podcasts will have a variety of hosts with themes that all revolve around the central concepts of the RunGnosis project generally. The online journal will publish essays, articles & features from a variety of writers on similar topics. Both these aspects of the project are currently in development.

RunGnosis is a gift to the running community.. You can sign up for the free newsletter if you simply want exposure to an unusual perspective on running & what it affords all who commit to its practice. Additionally, you can listen to the podcasts & read the online journal free of charge. Our vision is to encourage a movement towards recognizing running as a path with heart, both personally & as a wider culture. If you value this work & want to go deeper on any specific topic or communicate with us via a private online community , we encourage you to consider a paid subscription. In doing so you will be supporting the writer and his work, no small thing in these times.

In the meantime, tell your friends!